Friday, March 22, 2019

March 18-22

This week we learned to braaaaaggggg about our work.  This is an important skill to work on because sometimes we focus on the things we still have to learn or mistakes we have made.  We are trying to use a growth mindset, celebrate what we do well and make goals to help us improve. Thank you for coming to conferences and viewing our learning! Here are our up-dates for the week.

This week in LA we began our new novel Pax! We started our unit by writing brief predictions about what the novel might be about, including the problem of the story. We also continued making Art Marks with a brief synopsis of the chapter. I am so proud of the students who handed in their Bridge to Terabithia final project. The level of detail, imagination, and description was impressive.

This week in math we continued working on our Disneyland project to practice adding, subtracting, and multiplying decimals! I am enjoying seeing all of the creative ideas on how to spend money! For example, Danat is planning on going indoor skydiving!

In science this week we continued to learn about electricity and magnetism through a rotation of centres.  We have been creating simple circuits, series circuits, parallel circuits, adding switches, buzzers and lights.  Exploring the impact of magnetism on compasses and on electricity, and talking about conductors, insulators and liquids that conduct electricity.  We are also learning about electrical diagrams.

Can you draw the schematic for the above illustration?

We finished putting together our French houses.  After spring break we will be adding lighting, door bells, and/or a burglar alarm.

Challenges for Spring Break

  • Practice French on Duolingo Duolingo
  • Watch TV or Movies in French
  • Practice basic math facts (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division)
  • Teach your parents/siblings a math game, solve some puzzles on this website Solveme
  • Keep a journal over the break and write, write, write
  • Read a new book and visit the library
  • Non-fiction topics you could read about include: Electricity, Flight, Aerodynamics, Crime Scene Investigation, Trees, Forests, Animals, Space and the Sky

Provincial Achievement Tests (PATs)

PAT Practice
Exam Bank
Quest Plus

No school March 22-April 1st.  School resumes on April 2nd
April 16th- Field Trip to Spaceport (Volunteers needed)

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June 10 to 14

Reminder that our health unit begins on Tuesday.  Please return your form ONLY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE!   LA Thi...