Sunday, April 14, 2019

April 8 to 12


This week in LA, we continued working on story writing. We created a story outline that will help us for our upcoming PAT's! We also begun working on a story about building anything we wanted. I was so impressed by some of our ideas, e.g. animal translator, time machine, robots. We also started our new novel 'The Wild Robot'.
As there was a mixup with the date of our spelling test, it will be on Monday April 15th and have the same spelling words as last week:
1. they're
2. there
3. their
4. echo
5. journey
6. unreliable
7. underestimate
8. interrupt
9. doubtful
10. expression


This week in math, we begun our unit on fractions, multiples and factors. We will be working on this for the next several weeks. Practicing our multiplication tables will really help out in this unit. We are also finished with our Disneyland project. Students will have a small amount of time on Monday to add the finishing touches to their project. After that, it will be homework, which will be due on Thursday April 18th.


We reviewed and completed several labs this week on electricity and magnetism. On Friday, we began exploring a new unit on Air and Aerodynamics and Flight.  See new post on vocabulary for this unit.


In Social, we researched the four major parties running in the Alberta Election and collected information about education, jobs, infrastructure (roads, schools, hospitals), child care, health care, and the opioid crisis.  Students will be participating in a mock vote on Tuesday.  On Monday, our class will be running the voting station for three other classes.


Tuesday- Field Trip to Spaceport.  The cost is $15 if you haven't already paid.
Tuesday- Mock vote after the field trip
Tuesday- last day to vote in the Provincial Election
Friday- Good Friday (no school)
Monday- PD Day for students (no school)

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June 10 to 14

Reminder that our health unit begins on Tuesday.  Please return your form ONLY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE!   LA Thi...