Friday, January 25, 2019

January 21-25

Learning Intentions

I can identify 6 different types of nonfiction text structures and provide examples

I can use division strategies to solve long division problems

I can create a flag using symbolism

This week we examined 6 different types of nonfiction text structures: description, instruction, persuasion, comparison, explanation, and nonfiction narrative. We also worked on our reading stamina during silent reading time; we are up to 25 minutes! Our next spelling test will be on Monday!

1.     Especially
6.   Kindness
2.     Exactly
7.   Sadness
3.     Loneliness
8.   Honestly
4.     Angrily
9.   Actor
5.     Assistant
10. Biologist

This week in math we continued working on division and long division strategies.

We have been learning about the differences between a dictatorship and democracy. We created flags to represent our classroom countries. Collectively, we chose to have a wolf represent our country. Our country is called Alpha 22 and our “national” colours will be black, blue, and gold. We also began investigating different crests that countries have, by examining pictures of passports.  They will need to use them to visit other "countries" in the school.  Currently our classroom is being run as a dictatorship and shortly we will switch to a democratic system.  This will allow students some authentic experiences and allow them to see the difference in different types of governments.

This week, we have been learning about La Maison en Français (the house in French).  Ask me what the rooms are called in our house.

REMINDER:  There is no school Friday February 1st

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June 10 to 14

Reminder that our health unit begins on Tuesday.  Please return your form ONLY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE!   LA Thi...