We can't believe it is already June! The next 3 weeks are going to fly by and we will be so sad for the year to end. Next week is going to be busy for the grade 6's! We have 4 PATs!! Please look at the following website for PAT sample
questions! https://questaplus.alberta.ca
This week in math we learned how to calculate the volume of
rectangular prisms. Just a reminder that the volume of a rectangular prism is length x width x height!
Here is a link to a Math Live video/activity that can help us remember the formula: http://www.learnalberta.ca/content/me5l/html/Math5.html
The grade 6s began learning about the relationships between ratio, decimal, percent and fractions this week.
This is a great video to help review the concept of converting percent, decimal and fractions: https://www.khanacademy.org/math/pre-algebra/pre-algebra-ratios-rates/pre-algebra-percent-decimal-conversions/v/representing-a-number-as-a-decimal-percent-and-fraction
We also learned about slides, turns, and flips. We looked at tessellations on Friday. We created some amazing tessellation art!
This website is an excellent resource for quizzes on math
concepts and websites with games and activities.
We continued working our free writing on the computer. The writing will be due on Monday! Please share it with me as soon as you are finished! Don't forget to add pictures and review our rubrics. I can't wait to read them! I know how hard everyone has been working.
As a review for Social Studies, the students are creating a
new civilization! This new civilization could be under water, in space,
underground, or wherever else we can think of! Students are required to include
a form of government that we have learned about in their new civilization. They can choose from democracy,
Ancient Athenian democracy, or the Iroquois Confederacy. We have to include the positives about our form of government, and the negatives as well. For example, in Ancient Athenian democracy, women could not vote or be a part of the Council of 500. We are so excited to read
about the new civilizations!
Room 14 and 22 had an excellent conversation about sky
science on Friday! I was so impressed at the thoughtfulness and curiosity from all the
students! We talked about stars, supernovas, and black holes. We also learned that the nearest black hole (which was very recently photographed for the first time in history) is 27 000 light years away! This being our
last science unit to review, I was so happy with the level of student
engagement. We also reviewed the moon phases. Ask your children to explain “waxing
is the right thing to do!”.
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