Friday, April 26, 2019

April 22 to 26

We had a great week in Room 22! This week, our school was lucky enough to watch an assembly created by the Me to We club on Earth Day. The best part of the assembly had to be the "Garbage Fashion Show"! Great job to the students who presented and/or participated in the assembly!

We have started a new unit. We are learning the names of a human body in French.  We have worked on a work sheet on the different body parts, like the arms or the eyes.

This week we continued looking the Canadian government, including, the House of Commons and the Senate. We took a closer look at the roles each of these bodies have, as well as the people who work in each.
We also began our exploration of Ancient Athens. We looked at the Greek Myth of Medusa. Ask us what the lesson or moral of this myth is.

This week in science we continued with our electricity and magnetism unit. Room 22 and 14 had a faceoff in a Jeopardy review game!

We continued working on creating strong, interesting stories in LA this week. We began with planning an outline of our stories. We also wrote the first paragraph, which includes, characters, setting and the problem. Ask us what our new story is about

The grade 5’s continued working with equivalent fractions and decimals. They are able to fill in missing numbers, e.g. 1/2 = x/8. We also worked on adding money. The grade 6’s continued working on equivalent fractions as well. The grade 6’s are able to complete a series of equivalent fractions. As well as being able to identify if two sets of fractions are equivalent. Next week the grade 6’s will be working on converting improper fractions to mixed numbers, and vice versa. They will also be working on converting decimals to fractions. The grade 5’s and 6’s will have a test on the material next Thursday.

Sunday, April 21, 2019

April 15 to 18

We had a great week in Room 22! Our field trip was so much fun and filled with a ton of information about flight and aerodynamics. We also had an amazing presentation by Quest Theatre called "We Are All Treaty People". We learned about Treaty 7 and some of the history of the Indigenous People who live in Alberta. Ask us to tell you about the presentation.

This week in math we began working on equivalent fractions. For example, 1/2 is equivalent to both 2/4 and 3/6. Continuing to practice both multiplication and division facts will help us be successful in our fractions unit. Please continue working on your Disneyland projects and hand them in as soon as you can!

We continued working on story writing, as our first PAT is May 8th! While the grade 6's are writing their PAT, the grade 5s will also be writing a story. Ask us about some "shut the book" story starters (we need to stay away from those). And also continue thinking about the 2 by 2 rule for dialogue within our stories. Two people can speak twice! We are also continuing with our new novel, The Wild Robot. We complete an Artmark each time we read in class, as well as complete a summary on the back. I am so impressed with everyone's comprehension and creativity!

During science we were introduced to Air, Aerodynamics and Flight.  We learned about the four forces that impact flight- gravity (weight), lift, drag, and thrust.  On Tuesday we went to the airport for our field trip.  Here are some photos highlights.

In social this week. our learning revolved around the Alberta Election and our government unit.  The students loved participating in the vote and made decisions based on the research they collected about the parties and the candidates.  RM 14 was set up as a polling station on Monday and Tuesday so our students could really see what voting is like.  Then we compared our school results with all the other schools that participated AND the real election results.  We also talked about the three levels of Government in Alberta, municipal, provincial and federal.

Quest Theatre's We are all Treaty People, humbled us and caused us to reflect deeply about stereotypes, keeping promises, fear, misunderstanding, and making amends.  We each reflected in our own way through visuals and writing in our journals.  Here is a beginning taste.

June 10 to 14

Reminder that our health unit begins on Tuesday.  Please return your form ONLY IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO PARTICIPATE!   LA Thi...