The main purpose of these tests were multi-pronged. First they give a snapshot of where each student is on that particular day. They also highlight, class trends, if particular questions are difficult or easy for the class, allowing us to adjust our teaching. Lastly, they provide the students with an opportunity to practice writing a test and learn how to review specific material.
Room 22, values these opportunities so that we can make changes as a class, understanding where we are, and where we are moving next. As teachers, Mr. Kinsman and Mrs. Pierce, both believe in the learning process and hope these experiences help our class become advocates for their own learning, learn to revise and edit, and that making mistakes is helpful to us all.
Follow this link to a video on why making mistakes is necessary.
This video shows how the brain works and how we make connections when we learn.
We enjoyed having time this week to reflect on our learning, individually, with a friend, with our parents, and with the class. We have started writing new goals to help us focus on improving our learning. You will be able to view these goals at home soon on IRIS.
During discussions with parents, several asked about homework. The CBE recommends no more than 20 minutes per night of assigned homework for division 2 students (gr. 4-6). Students in our class are expected to read each evening and will be asked to write a reflection based on this reading. They are also encouraged to play math games to strengthen their learning. We also send home assignments that were incomplete in class, review and challenge questions to promote learning. Please check the blog to access review and challenge questions with your child. You can also access some great websites on the second page of this blog.
Enjoy these pictures of our students helping our buddies practice sharing their assignments for student led conferences.
Up-coming this week:
Social Presentations on Land Regions
Social Review and Final Test
Book Truck Visit on Friday- please return your books